Saturday, September 24, 2011

UHHHH why do I even bother!

I am sad to say (when I say sad, I mean mad) that DePaul Design's website has gotten a new design and development with Wordpress.  UHHHHH this Wordpress thing is ridiculous! I feel a brain aneurysm coming on.  Joomla was soooo much easier.   I guess you can compare it to learning a new pun intended for all you development nerds.  Not that anyone reads this junk that I write on here.  I guess I hope for personal gratification that at least one person reads my blog either now or when Google sells all of its data to the government of China.

Its not totally complete but you can check it out here.....The Website that shortened my life (thats the name of the website)

If you dont want to visit the site I set you up with a pic of it...

I hate to throw all of the work away from my last design but Wordpress offered its first born (SEO) to get me on board.

My old one is still going until the final draft is done....check it out HERE (old current website).
If yo can tell me a great reason why you think I shouldn't comment  ( I don't expect any, not because I think the new design is great, but like I said before no one reads this lol!)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Now I am a nerd

I know I am a nerd when I complain that Buzz Out Loud is going to one day a week, and I follow the future Netflix twitter handle @.  Wow!   That guy might make some money from Netflix.  Although you "cant" sell your twitter handle..... hmmmmmm.  

I have to say DePaul Design's website is pretty much finished!  If you have any complaints let me know.

I added a new background to DePaul Desing's Twitter website, and now you can solve the meaning of life as well as world peace by looking at it.
My favicon has improved to:

Listening to the Verizon guy explain to my mom that she needed 32 gigs of storage on her android galaxy tablet, influenced my alcohol consumption this evening. 

I have updated @SoldbySissons twitter check it out! Let me know what you like and dont like about it.

Until then check us out for a website idea on Facebook!

Friday, September 2, 2011

And he said: "it is finished"

The final look of yBoggle is now up and running.....after falling asleep, I started sleep working.  I thought this day would never after all the flaming hoops I had to jump the sharks ("The Shark ATE me!!!).  Email configuration is not a pretty site when you have a multi-million dollar host company that refuses to adapt to the needs of transferring email accounts.

Now its off to fix an email issue across town, where the emails are blank and the client is mad.

If you like my work, comment on Facebook or just comment in your head....its all the same.