Saturday, September 24, 2011

UHHHH why do I even bother!

I am sad to say (when I say sad, I mean mad) that DePaul Design's website has gotten a new design and development with Wordpress.  UHHHHH this Wordpress thing is ridiculous! I feel a brain aneurysm coming on.  Joomla was soooo much easier.   I guess you can compare it to learning a new pun intended for all you development nerds.  Not that anyone reads this junk that I write on here.  I guess I hope for personal gratification that at least one person reads my blog either now or when Google sells all of its data to the government of China.

Its not totally complete but you can check it out here.....The Website that shortened my life (thats the name of the website)

If you dont want to visit the site I set you up with a pic of it...

I hate to throw all of the work away from my last design but Wordpress offered its first born (SEO) to get me on board.

My old one is still going until the final draft is done....check it out HERE (old current website).
If yo can tell me a great reason why you think I shouldn't comment  ( I don't expect any, not because I think the new design is great, but like I said before no one reads this lol!)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Now I am a nerd

I know I am a nerd when I complain that Buzz Out Loud is going to one day a week, and I follow the future Netflix twitter handle @.  Wow!   That guy might make some money from Netflix.  Although you "cant" sell your twitter handle..... hmmmmmm.  

I have to say DePaul Design's website is pretty much finished!  If you have any complaints let me know.

I added a new background to DePaul Desing's Twitter website, and now you can solve the meaning of life as well as world peace by looking at it.
My favicon has improved to:

Listening to the Verizon guy explain to my mom that she needed 32 gigs of storage on her android galaxy tablet, influenced my alcohol consumption this evening. 

I have updated @SoldbySissons twitter check it out! Let me know what you like and dont like about it.

Until then check us out for a website idea on Facebook!

Friday, September 2, 2011

And he said: "it is finished"

The final look of yBoggle is now up and running.....after falling asleep, I started sleep working.  I thought this day would never after all the flaming hoops I had to jump the sharks ("The Shark ATE me!!!).  Email configuration is not a pretty site when you have a multi-million dollar host company that refuses to adapt to the needs of transferring email accounts.

Now its off to fix an email issue across town, where the emails are blank and the client is mad.

If you like my work, comment on Facebook or just comment in your head....its all the same.

Friday, August 26, 2011

OMG!!!! I am going cross eyed!!

After 4 hrs of staring at the screen, I think I am going blind.  I dont think humans where meant to have computers . My back, rists, and eyes hurt.....and the left side of my brain is screeming at me U SUCK!!!!!!.

I am sorry to admit Lil Wayne has kept me awake.  If you want to hear the demise of our future, type Lil Wayne in Pandora.

FOREX is the GREATEST!!!!   (to the people that need more explaining.... forex is the foreign exchange currency market)  

When you can control $10,000  with $200??? REALLLYYYYY???
When you can make $ while you are asleep ???? REALLYYYYY??? (I made $58 (fake $$$$ ) while I was asleep trading the U.S dollar against the Swiss Franc )

Why do people even trade stocks anymore?

I will post when I start trading with real money!

Here is the update of the development of the Wordpress conversion of yBoggle.  Its just a rough draft but...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Windows 7 is Windows 98 but fancier

So I lost my whole portfolio (which isnt much) when switching to Windows 7 from XP (which XP is so much more easier to understand).  Dont fix something that isnt broke.

I finished my 3rd day of Foreign Exchange class today, and feeling more confident after loosing 2000$.  No actually I gained about 500$ today trading the Swiss Franc against the U.S. dollar.  I bet against the USD and came out ahead....imagine that....the U.S. dollar weak? HA!

Rick Write (my instructor) need some lessons in being nice to people.  just because your are a professional trader, doesn't mean you HAVE to act like the stereotype.

yBoggle is going well, seeing that I lost all of my work a couple days ago.  I guess when you do the same thing back to back within a couple weeks, you get faster.  Although my booty is sore from sitting in this metal chair for so long. And everyone made fun of me when I brought a pillow to sit on in class.


(a little better)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Yboggle's new blog (Wordpress rocks!...but complicated!)

This week DePaul Designs was given the task to create a new blog for (their company website) (their bog).  Wordpress was needed so that certain marketing tools could me used for the company.  Its a great content management system but very complicated compared to Joomla's system.  Check them both out below!

PHP is horrible to learn....thats all I have to say about that.  Hopefully my booty will recover from all the sitting I did today, looking at the screen.

Now I am working on their website to make it look just like their current layout, but with Wordpress as the CMS.  

Check out my website for updates, or that thing called Facebook.

Thank you for reading....if anyone did, and hope to have more in the future.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Favicon.ico anyone????

A Favicon is a small custom icon that appears next to a website's URL in the address bar of a web browser. They also show up in your bookmarked sites, on the tabs in tabbed browsers, and as the icon for Internet shortcuts on your desktop or other folders in Windows. And when I say little, I mean 16 pixels by 16 pixels. So if you like a good design challenge try your hand at this one.

All you need to add a Favicon to your site is a Windows Icon (.ico) file usually called favicon.ico that you upload to the main directory of your website. Nowadays, most browsers besides Internet Explorer can use a GIF (including animated ones) or PNG (including full transparency) instead.

If you would like to add a favicon to your site contact us!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My days are long and the nights are short slept....

The more I want to take on the world...the more I find that its hard work.  A business is very hard to start from scratch....especially when it has nothing to do about the Casey Anthony case.  Thats all I can say about that!

 The Rave Days.....
I stumbled upon a cd that has me fired up again for all you techno HATERS!! 
keeps me going on a hour run of developing and designing.

Silent musical....if that makes any sense.

Well any way, my website is lookin better, as my trading gets smarter...... Thanks Trading Academy !!!!

Once I start trading live I will post my profits....or losses which I hope more of the earlier.

Still need to look for the future with the mobile world creeping up in full steam.

Just remember you are unique.....just like everyone else.....

See ya till the next random day....

Friday, June 17, 2011

Garage sale tomorrow morning....oh website need some work!

As I listen to some kickin tunes past midnight (am I bad when I play Party Rock Anthem10 times in a row???? I LOVE IT!!!!) website gets a little attention.  Also I love Gmail so much it hurts!  If only people knew the relationship between the giant and me.

My parents and I decided to have a garage sale this Saturday, despite the lack of products (going through 30 years of junk, makes you want to keep 99% of it all because of "memories").

I got my portfolio page lookin better than last, as well as some forms that can be filled out and automated. The forms  and content is still aesthetically unpleasing on my website....but it will come around by the end of the month (I say this every month, so look for the final draft in 2

Monday, June 13, 2011

Good home page work tonight....and bus card....

After working on the Learjet....and fixing the fuel leak....I decided to bust out some moves I am just kidding...

I went home and worked on some things with my website.  I put a Facebook, Twitter and 
Blogger icon on my top bar like this ....

Sooooo anyway....also I made some new buttons for CONTACT and FREE QUOTE.

Tom. I will work on my portfolio page so it doesn't look like my daughter made it .... ya ....she has a website in the works believe it or not (   its not up yet)!

Well you know where to go to check out my updates on the if your curious .....just visit it.

Thanks if you follow!

Oh ya here is my card that is getting the final OK Tomorrow

Friday, June 10, 2011

Server Down!!! | Do not pass go...Do not collect $$

What the heck??? I was moving along on my was looking decent...then BAM!

Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL

You can check it out HERE for your self.

What is bad as well is....all the other websites that are on my server account are down as well.  :( BOOO!!!
I will have to wait till I-Page fixes it.  They say it will be 24-48 hrs but.... I guess I will work on my own home server or just designs the rest of my business card.

Until then....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The menu is up and running

I just finished the menu after taking a nice bike ride with my dad.  I should have taken a picture!!  Well here is the menu....if you want to see if it works just go to my website.  I am sure the color scheme will change in the near future.  Tomorrow I will work on the content inside the menu items and how its is structured.

Follow along if you like....

DePaul Designs has decide to rebuild the site with the help of our new professional business partner, Sabrina Crarey.  We will be going forward with DePaul Designs as a marketing company for small to medium size businesses.  From branding to being found on the web (SEO), we will be updating DePaul Designs on a daily basis until complete.  This blog post will be automatically updated on our Facebook page so we don't want to post this twice and have everyone annoyed (like the farmville updates....uhhhhhh).

First thing on the list is a new menu.  This will contain the Home button and all that normal junk....

kinda like this one....

By the way my sister Ava just put up her website it is . Its just a portfolio but I am sure she will be adding to it daily as well.

Thank you for your time!!
DePaul Designs

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Back in Business!!!!

After all that tornado grief and procrastination.....I am back in business.  Waiting 5 hrs for gas became reality when there is no electricity in a 60 mile radius.

I'm glad that Elegant Dance Company likes their new website. Their business looks like it has really came along in the past year.  They want me to incorporate a payment system with the website in the near future.

If you need a laugh check out my sister's blog

An online record label is my next project on the list along with a few others that need to be completed....that is....after DePaul Design's website is done!

If anyone likes my work, share my Facebook Business Page!!!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My New Blog....that is spelled right...

Well here is my new and improved blog that has the correct title spelling.  That was well as other typos.  

So anyways (as my dad likes to say), to the right is a logo I came up with in a couple minutes.  Its nothing special, but it demonstrates a few nice qualities.  Tyler likes it allot, but what does he know, lol!

So I will be making more videos in the future.  If you didnt catch my last ones here are the links:
My You Tube Channel
Tyler's You Tube Channel

Well that is it for now, I am going to go pack some more things up.  I am moving out!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Here is the video for no one to see!! HA!

I made this video in Adobe Premier Pro, and I believe that this is all catching on with me.  The next ones will be better.  I need to finish my website asap for sure!  Well I am glad I got to post my video that I have been telling my self for a week to do.

I have about 4 different projects going right now, so I will be a busy dude in the upcoming month.

Please share my blog!!! 

Thank you
DePaul Design

Monday, January 31, 2011

Well....I have only done this all week....

Well I made a few videos for Tyler so he can get going on his future career of singing and whatnot.  This video is really blurry because I compressed it to download and play on Youtube efficiently.  I didnt realize that it will make everything hazy and distorted.

I am about to post a DePaul Designs video....I know I have been saying that for a while now but this time is FOR SURE!!!  HA!

Well I am off to work on my site some more.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Forms are too much work! Check out my new form...

Initial Client Form<----- Try and click was going to be a link to view my new form, but something went wrong and it was not posting up on Facebook.  I figured it was because of the direct link I put into this blog earlier.

So here is a picture of it.....

I guess this is why I have not posted any blogs lately.  I made a video a couple days ago, but have not edited it so I would not look like an unprofessional slob!

Well the website will be worked on this week.

I have been concentrating on my new clients at Elegant Dance Company  .   Antonio is a great dance instructor from what I hear.

Let me know what you think on the form.  Also, my You Tube video should be up by tomorrow.


Monday, January 17, 2011

My new almost complete ad

Here is a promotional ad that I am almost done with,  My inspiration came from my webhost service.

I also got pretty far on my website development as well
I would post pics up of the website but......I am tired! hahahah

Cant wait to make a video tomorrow.  I learned how to run the movie production program from Adobe...just enough to get by.

I also got approved for Google Ad Sense for my website, so that is something I have to do as well.....I think I will put an ad on this blog right now.

DePaul Designs
Web Design and Development

Friday, January 14, 2011

Another Day of Snow!!! Another Day of Webdesign!!!

This is the 5th day of coldness throughout the Tennessee Valley....ENOUGH ALREADY!!

I am tiered of feeling cold and numb lips... "thanks Renaissance Apartments for the wonderful insulation job you did" -Abe

Thanks to them, my electric bill will be well over 100$. And that is with primarily one person living here (Ivy doesnt count) This is my beautiful daughter Ivy----------------------------->
Any who....well I am back to work on DePaul Design's website, check it out HERE if you want to see my progress

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Posting up: "The makings of a website" by DePaul Designs

I thought it would be interesting to show a few people (the 2 people following my blog.....hahaha) the evolution of a website: DePaul Designs.

If you have an comments, suggestions, or questions, leave a comment here on my blog, or....write me through ....Email....Twitter....or...Facebook

I am starting a video blog shortly so watch for that as well.....HERE <--

DePaul Designs

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

DePaul Designs is my new company

Hello people, this is my new blog.  DePaul Designs made me do it....hahahah.   So anyway this is just a test to see if all is well.  Plus I am helping my sister set up her Facebook link to Blogger.

Well I am off to help my sis.

thank you